The mail was titled 'a bear story for dear teddy' and the text simply said
' Well sort of... at least a real live birthday'....MSW :-D
Intrigued I hurried along to her little piece of Paradise and was simply bowled over ......Medstudent Wife has has given life to a brand new teddy ... you can never have enough bears in this world thats what I say....
The bear is beautiful and whats more it is KNITTED .... WTG MSW ;-)
We know how much Grumpy Ted's cuddler Daddy Papersurfer loves knitted stuff :-)

This dear teddy has no name but this is not a problem (unlike when we featured Jolly Jack Tar bear with no name). Very soon this special bear will have a brand new cuddler who I know will cuddle the stuffing out of her and give her a name that is personal to them.
MSW has given life to this bear in order that it can be sent to a child who is suffering from HIV/AIDS in countries that are less fortunate than our own...... this fabulous idea is organised by Mother Bear Projects and folk from all over the world have donated money and knitted bears for this cause.
The childrens faces are pure magic and I must say that it has brought a tear to this old teddys eye.
Everyone who has taken part is simply wonderful and I wonder if there is anything Dear Teddy can do to help?......... my cuddler has been known to knit a few things over the years and I just wonder.......???? or maybe Busy Bear could get involved ????
I have added this special bears bearthday (wow a real birth day!!) to the Janubeary Bearthday list under the name of 'ta dah me'... as she has no name as yet
You must pop over to MSW blog and see how from a ball of wool (or 2 or 3) a beautiful bear has been created that will inevitably raise a beautiful smile .....
Thank you for sharing this with us MSW x
posted by snOwY bEaR
MSW has given life to this bear in order that it can be sent to a child who is suffering from HIV/AIDS in countries that are less fortunate than our own...... this fabulous idea is organised by Mother Bear Projects and folk from all over the world have donated money and knitted bears for this cause.
The childrens faces are pure magic and I must say that it has brought a tear to this old teddys eye.
Everyone who has taken part is simply wonderful and I wonder if there is anything Dear Teddy can do to help?......... my cuddler has been known to knit a few things over the years and I just wonder.......???? or maybe Busy Bear could get involved ????
I have added this special bears bearthday (wow a real birth day!!) to the Janubeary Bearthday list under the name of 'ta dah me'... as she has no name as yet
You must pop over to MSW blog and see how from a ball of wool (or 2 or 3) a beautiful bear has been created that will inevitably raise a beautiful smile .....
Thank you for sharing this with us MSW x

Oh WoW!!!! MedStudentWife ROCKS!! Whut a luvely storee!!! I wud LUV to nit sumthing too...I thynk I can remebur how?
HEY! Did yoo no that MSW is also mayking sum FUR CUP LINERS for when Olga, the Traveling Bra cums to visit her in Canadia?...from an aminal she killed and skinned with her very own hands! YES! She is very talented.
Hey...I wunder wut kynd of aminal she yarn she used to mayk this bear?
As I've said to Medstudent Wife - in this ONE instance I'll make allowances for knitting. Generally, the whole process should be discouraged.
I must say I've never fully realised how like entrails knitting is ...... quite interesting .... I wonder if the TG has some needles? ..... that aren't coated in blood ......
BB int it just luvly the storee abowt the bears .... those kidz fayces are a treat aren't they?
I am tryin to perswade my kudler to get the niiting out and we can join in
Oh yeah Olga is goin to visit MSW... oo animal hair can be a bit itchy scratchy...
I tink the spesial bear is from soft lams wull so the kiddies can kudle away
wow DP my cuddler will be amazed that you have relented a little
come on knit you you know you want to ;-)
You all have awed me so much !!!!
Thank you for your beautiful comments & interest !!!
Maybe we can start a Blog - bear - knitting - thingy....
SB & BB - This bear was made from "love" - the most precious wool on earth.
However Olga's fur lined inners will be of another type of "animule".
(are tassels an animule ?)
DP - funny you mention innards.. you wouldn't believe my next knitting experiment.. to hidious to post here, but fun. You may even like a go at it.
If you want to knit a bear, anyone, I'll send you a pattern. Just e-mail me at Mother Bear project gets lots of bears, but more bears are always welcome,I'm sure.
oh-bear-the way
The picture for the link into the Project.... just beautiful !!! I don't think you could have picked one better.
Doesn't she just show the love !!!
Excellent idea! If only I could knit. But I do know someone who can so I'll pass this info along.
Thanks :)
...... and now MSW is taunting me at my blog ......... I knew it was the thin end of the wedge .......better than the thin end of a wedgie I suppose ......
This story makes me feel all warm & fuzzy! More than usual, that is.
MSW ~ I am so grateful you shared this with us .. it so brings home just how fortunate we are a big beary thankyou and hug from across the pond from me
Yes to make a bear out of the wool of love is simply the best wool to use :-)
I would love a pattern so my kudler can get her needles out of storage .. I will send you an e mail
The picture of the child was chosen with care I wanted to capture the 'cuddle' and I so loved the warmth of that image
I am with BB felling warm & fuzzy with the cause x
Oh DM please pass it on it is a great cause :-)
Dp get those needles out or for sure Sue will be giving you a wedgie
DP.. Wedgie.. do you promise ???
Why am I thinking of the phrase "buttock flossing"? ....... must be all this wool that's around here ......
Three cheers for MedStudentWife !!
Hi ya Speedy! Care to X-change links?
Just catching up.. any one with a videos showing DP having a wedgie ?
Curious minds just wanna know...
DP.. I can knit you a thong-thing if ya would like *grin*
I sincerely hope not ..... and about the 'thong' thing ..... is it possible to use something that doesn't tickle?
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