Novembear 6th
Today's the day the teddy bears are partying coz today is Grumpy's Bearthday.
He tried to keep it quiet from us at Dear Teddy but his 'cuddler' let it slip a while ago in an email to mine and BB's cuddlers tee hee.
I have put my special Bearthday T-shirt on especially for the occasion... do you like it?

Thought you may like on too.... use scissor shop and get your 'cuddler' to stitch or pin it on you
So come on Grumpy party like it is 1899......
some of your relatives have already started
Stop press
Apparently it is this Old Git's Bearthday too
NICE SHIRT! I think We ALL need one! I'll get Boffin Bear right on that! I wonder where Grumpy Ted is?....
And maybe we should all get some pants too.
I can scan Snowy's boxers if you would like?? (Snowy can't do it as his paws are a bit awkward)
Now where is that bear??
'That' bear has been helping me today ...... he might be a tad tatty but he's jolly useful as a draught excluder ......... I LOVE stuffed toys, they're soooooo useful.
Hang on I'll see if he's around .....
B****y man! ..... he knows I suffer from rheumatism ......
Anyway, thanks fellow bears, if it wasn't for you I'd be even more grumpy. I wish I had some trousers - people look at me funny ....
poor Grumpy and on his birthday too.
Snowy is a bit busy helping BB just now....
Grumpy _ kick him the shin and get over and join your bears ... your polar cousin is getting a bit fractious.... its the JD I think??
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