I thought I'd had a rough and tough life but Teddy Banstead takes the biscuit [or waffle]. For those who are feeling very brave read about him
His terrible story was sent to me by a friend of Daddy Papersurfer's. He is a non-blogger [shame on you sir] called Pettulant.
Oh my goodness,
Poor little bear....he is blind!!
This is a sad story indeed. I am sending you some virtual love poor teddy bear!!:-)))
I think Mr. Banstead is a beary brave bear...
a very, very brave bear... cup of earl grey??
I know where the villain lives ..... if anyone wants to know ......?
I'll try and find the bears ..... they might be having a picnic ...
Snowy Bear and I will give Grumpy a paw massage if he will do the tag....how 'bout it Grumpy?
Maybe we'll even clip your paw-nails.....
er, maybe not....
maybe that's going a bit too far....
gosh...now I can't decide....
yum that picnic was surely the best ever.... lashings of butter and honey .....
anyway where was I?
whatta ya reckon.. 2 Qs each with a Random last one... GT to do it all or BB oh yeah or me??
see you in the e mail office ... bears....
I believe that Grumpy has banged one off .........
That sounds scarey, and/or nasty Grumpy.
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