Thursday, November 27, 2008

7 BeAry faktz

Erlyr this munth us bears wur 'tagged' (we had to Google that wurd.. 'tagged' as to us it is either a gayme or sumfink that you wer when let owt of prison irly!) by sum 1 who sleep wawks and dribbles at the same tyime .. respeckt to Somnambulistic Ramblings

the rools are :
1. Lynk to your tagger and list theeze rools on your blog.
2. Share 7 fackts about yourself on your blog - sum random, some wee-erd.
3. Tag 7 peepol at the end of your post by leaving ther nayms as well as lynks to ther blog.
4. Let them no they hve been tagged by leeving a comment on ther blog.

Us bears hve bin bizzy thinkin of stuff.
2 bears picked 3 thinks eech and 1 bear did 1 whitch = 7
xrta Qdos if yoo can guess whitch bear sed wat???

1. Although lacking in certain departments I still look at girly bears

2. I love high heels but they play havoc with the stuff my feet where stuffed with ...... but I like it
3. Repairs to my hands and feet were made from a WWII flying jacket

4. I covet Grumpy Ted's nice long arms...not only are they totally HOT, but I'm getting really tired of holding my short fat little stubby arms out to the side all the time.

5. Daddy Papersurfer punches me at least once a week ....... and I like it
6. I'm thinking of getting a piercing.

7. I'm wearing a little black bra.........and I like it.

so ther you hve it... 7 facktz abowt uz.
No whu to tag????

1. Bob T. Bear Esq. Bekoz he hs encuragged us bears to not bee ashamd abowt tie-pin in ar troo langwedge. Dtalectz ar diffrent but we undastand eech ovver..... wtg Bob :-)

2. Dulwich Mum. Bekoz she is so cleva and rites so well and she has a cuwl handbag avatar

3. Medstudent wife. Bekoz she is nhon as "Evil Queen of the Universe" and lives in Paradise.....cuewl

4. Iam a Woman, see me Blog. Bekoz she is ace, hs a gr8 blog and livez such a long whey awhey...

5. Shinade. bekoz she luvs us bears and put a lampshade on her hed for our blog :-)

6.Hungry Mother.Bekoz he won Tencent Tipsy and hs a kampavan... smooove

7. DADDY PAPERSURFER. Bekoz he is grumpier than GT and to ask him to tAche part will make his cardbord hed explooode... hee hee


Busy Bear said...

OMG! Do yoo think DeePee's cardbord hed will reelly EXPLOOooOODE?

Then whut wud por Grumpy Ted do for a kudlr?!?

oh deer....this is very konserning to me...

But I hope DeePee duz the 7Facktz aneeway. Grumpy Ted can allwayz livv with ME!

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to see DeePee's brain explode *lol*

Amyways - thanks bares for giving me a kick in the bum (bare bums - get it *lol*... maybe its the drugs)... this has been the most fun writing in weeks :)

If you bears need a place to live, you can come & live with me & my stuffed bunnies (fact#8)

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Luckily I can't read this language .......

Bear Naked said...

What a wonderful blog this is.
Everyone seems to be having so much fun.

Bear((( )))

SnOwY bEaR said...

BB ~ Daddy Pee pee will do it ... he can't resist a dare.,
Do you really want Grumpy to live with you??? He is so bloody miserable ...looks like he is chewing a wasp ...(& he doesn't wear undies!!) lol :-)

SnOwY bEaR said...

yeah wtg MSW that is one fabulous 7 post ...

Can we really come to stay?? Do your bunnies bite? and will you hide the scary knife

talking of stuffed bunnies ,.... do you have a tale about them you would like to tell over here????

SnOwY bEaR said...

Daddy Pee pee ... the khudler translation is in the post .....

SnOwY bEaR said...

Hi there Bear Naked... & welcome to Dear Teddy.
yes we do have fun (well me and Busy do but Grumpy just grumps... hee hee)

Love your blog loads of interesting bear stuff there, ( I am so tempted to write to Santa in Canada... how cool is that)
I have popped your blog link on our side bar and we will come and visit


Busy Bear said...

Hey SnOwY bEaR....THANK YOO for beein sutch a NISE bear n goin arwound n maykin friends wif all da new bears in da bloggysfeer n stuff...yoo r like r GOOD WILL Ambassabear!

Daddy Papersurfer said...

The point is, what with this and that ....... and the other, my days are rather full at the moment and ..... oh yes ..... I DON'T DO TAGS!!!!!!

My head is not only going to explode spreading bodily fluids throughout the entire interweave but I'm tempted to run stark naked through everyone's computer marking my territory as I streak ...... HAVE I MADE MYSELF CLEAR!!!!

Hungry Mother said...

I've done this meme here, so I'm retagging Ten Cent Tipsy so he can get off of his furry behind. He's still in a Keys state of mind.

Ten Cent Tipsy said...

I finished the meme here.

SnOwY bEaR said...

oh BB I love the fackt I cud be an u think my speeling may let me doun?

SnOwY bEaR said...

Daddy Pee pee we know you don't 'do' TAGS but we will keep on trying and stop trying to be a Tiger marking your territory by p**sing up a tree.. oops sorry rewind p**sing in your wardrobe .. just get it posted
[bears was I forceful enough there? I need a lie down.....]

SnOwY bEaR said...

[p.s. when I look at Beary Facktz why do I think ' beery fartz?]

SnOwY bEaR said...

thankyou HM for passing on the meme to 10c T.. he is a lazy bear but so gabby ;-)

Anonymous said...

D Pee Pee.. go-on go-o go-on go-on go-on go-on go on- go-on go-o go-on go-on go-on go-on go on- go-on go-o go-on go-on go-on go-on go on- go-on go-o go-on go-on go-on go-on go on- go-on go-o go-on go-on go-on go-on go on- ......... ad nauseaum

Snow - sutre you bears can come & love with me. Why would you ask if my bunnies bite ?

And yes - I'll lose the knife ( you come & visit & I'll teach ya how to hunt :0)

Busy Bear said...

MSW...HUNT?...not bears I hope!

Busy Bear said...

I theenk 10c did a grrrrrrrrrrrate job with his MEME! WTG 10c!!!

Daddy Pee Pee....wood yoo lyk some cheeez with yoor WHYn?

Grumpy Ted said...

Thanks a lot chaps - DP is going around like a .... like a ..... like a bear with a sore head - and you know what that's like! *grumph* - and he hasn't been giving me 'playful' punches either ..... I don't know what to do *grumph*

Busy Bear said...

I no whut yoo shud do GT!!!...yoo shud DO the meme FOR yur kudlr, dat ol' git! Shurly yoo haf enuff durt on hym?...if 10-c kan doo it YOO kan 2!

(I think I am reelly gittin the hayng uv writin in Bear Inglish! THANKS 2 BOB T. BEAR ESQ!!! Yoo toadily rock dood!)

Daddy Papersurfer said...

That's a good idea - I'll put it to him - after I've duffed him up a tad ........

SnOwY bEaR said...

oo MSW I /we wood luv to come ova there ... hey we wood hav such a gr8 tyme..

I askd abowyt the bunnies as I wawched a film called the 'Holy grail' ware a bunnie killed peepol....and yous wiv a nife wurried me.........

Anonymous said...

Snowy.. this house is a "no bunny biting zone". The knife is actually for other uses

( but I won't tell you about the kitchen machete in my sea farin' days)

Any bear that wants to come over is more than welcome :). This is a "bear friendly"place & my stuffed friends would love visitors :)

BB.. love your comment.. wine & cheese *snickr*.. I still think D Pee Pee should write his own answers to the meme

Jackie said...

I can't believe he actually did a tag!!

Oh boy I have some waiting to do now I have new victim!!

I am so glad to know that Grumpy Ted does tags.

Jackie said...

Okay I have one tag in waiting now. I will try to get this one and that one done tomorrow.

And I will skip WW this week.

I hope that sounds okay!!

Grumpy Ted said...

I am a bear with little brain - I reckon it'll take several years to come up with 7 whole facts about DP - still, Rome wasn't built in a day.

Daddy Papersurfer said...

I'll tell you a fact Grumpy - I believe that toys should do as they are told! - now get up that chimney and make sure it's clean before Santa arrives..........

Jackie said...

I am done you guys. Don't faint or anything. I have posted the meme.

Happy day everyone!:-)

Daddy Papersurfer said...

Don't let the bears bully you Shinade ....... I tell you, it's no picnic around here ......

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