I only did this because I had to.
She MADE me do it!
I had a no choice.
Really! I didn't!!!
On the other hand...It is pretty cute...and kinda comfy...
Ummm....waffles, anyone?
I only did this because I had to.
She MADE me do it!
I had a no choice.
Really! I didn't!!!
Ummm....waffles, anyone?
A baby olga ... love it. :)
I missed the meaning behind the waffles, I'll have to go search for that! LOL
You look 'swell' you may just need a little extra padding there but looking good BB
I will be back later I have had a bit of....... ??? erm.....I better not say ... read all later :-)
That reminds me - fried eggs for breakfast .........
Drowsey - Waffles flip ' flop...kind like my mind during the decision making process....I think....I could be wrong?....oh dear...
Snowy - I really don't want any padding...I am stuffed enough as it is! (A bit of an ???..DO TELL!)
Grumpy - And how about a nice sausage on the side?
Grumpy -
I need a bath first.
Good idea.
oh my you know you are loving being in Olga's bra. You naughty bear you!!
This is really going to be a fun site.
I wish I had my old Chatty Kathy. I would adopt a dolly I have a lot of sad things to say about her.
I was so mean to her. She suffered such injustices at her own owner's hands.
I am so sorry Kathy truly I am.
Especially since I had one of the first edition and they are worth a small fortune now.
And then of course there were my Barbies.
Oh dear I was mean little child now that I look back.
I better get out of here before I depress myself and need to take confession or something!!:-))
By the way I just noticed that bra has some pink running down the front.
Are you sure it's Olga's I must go check my drawers!!:-)))
Check your drawers!?!!!! ...... my oh my
BB I have 'fessed about my make over .. promise not to laugh!!
SB x
In my dresser you silly you. I checked too because I know you..but I still have mine.
Oh you naughty teddy...you are a cutey though!!
I thought ... (VEST ed INTEREST)
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