hello everyone
I received this rather disturbing story today.
Please pop over to the Toy Cupboard an take a look.... I am sure she is loved really but watch out ... we all thought Grumpy Bear was Grumpy ... I can tell you, you ain't seen nothing yet!!!!
Busy Bear I think she needs some tea and waffles....
Posted by SnOwY bEaR
What's going on round here then? Just asking ........
I have no idea what's going on.
It's like the lost blog of the land of the lost toys or something.. Wow, terrifically cool.....I have tons of bears I am sure one of them would love to share their story someday soon.
way too many bears here...
Callie Ann - one of us bears would love to hear from you ...... I might be having a sleep though
Okay Grumpy Ted I will try to spoof something up for you soon little Grumpy... take care go to sleep now.. it's late in England.... Sleep Baby Bear Sleep snooz.....
Callie Ann - it better be good - the standards here are very high [about 2 feet, which is enormous for a teddy] - *grumph*
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